Paedosexual Reincarnation : I Will Seriously Pair Bond With A Child If I Go to Another World
Beloved by paedosexuals and despised by MyAnimeList reviewers lebensunwertes leben, Mushoku Tensei is the tale of a good-for-nothing perverted shut-in otaku who is murdered by a truck and reincarnates in a high fantasy world. I've seen the premise a billion times, and I've been bored to death by it a trillion more. My unending hatred for isekai has brought me to its progenitor-God, its iPhone 1, its epic of Gilgamesh, its Neon Genesis Evangelion. But how does the oft-imitated baby daddy fare in these metamodern times ? Does the original shine brighter than its carbon copies, or did time dilute its most mind-numbing sins ? And above all, are prepubescent children sexually attractive ?
Just memeing. I knew fuck all about this franchise before watching it, I just wanted an anime to binge cause I was bored on a Saturday afternoon and the trailer looked nice. You can also tell it's going to be amazing like two minutes into it or something. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up the first classic of the 2020s ; the first classic we've had in a long, sad while, a series we can look back to as having contributed to the aesthetic foundation of a generation.
Great success comes with great controversy, so let's address it upfront. Part of the protagonist's characterisation is being perverted and rough around the edges. Sometimes, this clashes tonally with the story, as I would have expected the time he spends after reincarnation to have blunted it a little more. Several subhumans took great offence at this, to which I can only say that anime is paedophile culture, stop appropriating it, get out of my fandom, and sign up for a free one-way trip to a gas chamber. In Minecraft, of course.
Anyway, the production values are through the roof, as you might expect, though alas they fall off a bit near the end. Mushoku Tensei is the first isekai anime that actually felt like isekai. A big reason why is that it invests in its atmosphere. The protagonist's life is shown from the moment of his birth, and although there are several time skips, we don't watch his life in fast-forward. The series does not start grandiose : the protagonist spends the first two episodes being mostly confined in a house, then expanding to a village, with more traditional high fantasy tropes taking their sweet time to show up. In fact, the protagonist thinks he was reincarnated in medieval Europe for quite a while.
The protagonist is considered gifted and special, though not in the way we're used to in other isekai. Socially, since he retains his memories, he is a very precocious, intelligent and mature child with literally decades of schooling behind him before he was even born. He is a child prodigy at magic, but it's unclear how much of it is an innate gift, or simply the result of having practised since he was a toddler, plus having decades of prior education in physics and mathematics that are literally alien in this high fantasy world. Finding mistakes in the new world's textbooks, and even teaching others how to cast magic the way he does is a major point in the series.
I'm mentioning this because several subhumans seem to have missed it, despite being spelled out in the series. I understand using twitter is worse for your IQ than drinking lead-contaminated bleach as water from the moment of conception, but surely even the blue hellsite has limits to its degenerating powers. Accounting for the fact that he retains his memories, the criticism amounts to his parents being well-connected and having a happy family life. However, the former is actually used to explore the politics of the world, and the latter is literally the entire fucking point of the series : what if a bullied, traumatised kid had a happy life instead.
Somehow, that, too, was missed, despite also being a major plot point that lands right on the spot. Actually, the emotional notes of the series always land. When the protagonist encounters magic, we feel the excitement. When he casts his first spell, we feel the achievement. When he's faced with his social anxiety, we feel anxious. He doesn't overcome it through some magical force ; even years of happy family life aren't enough to simply erase it. It takes proactive steps from the authority figures around him to help him out. Even when children wave at him on the street as he becomes more sociable, there is exhilaration rarely seen in isekai.
Literally every character, even the most minor one-off nobody is unique and multi-layered. With the noted exception of the protagonist's mother, no major character is without flaws ; his father is manly and dependable, but a womaniser ; his teacher is helpful, but has poor self-esteem ; his childhood friend is cheerful, but pathologically clingy ; his student is strong-willed, but violent and abrasive ; his patrons are in positions of power, but bitter, cynical, and conspiratorial. This characterisation is consistent, justified, and coherent ; the more you learn about them, the more you feel like no character could be a different way. Nobody ever bores.
The consistency with which great characterisation is achieved is truly a feat, and few series manage it as well as it does. Though there is plot, and there are mysteries, one can't say they are especially thick : the series so far really is about a guy living his life in a high fantasy world, though there are adventures in it. It is great in its simplicity, staying on the road it's good at, and whatever branches there are, they exist as spice, not the main course.
The series is unique about its opening theme : though the song plays, there aren't standard visuals, instead playing actual content, such as showing off scenery or slice-of-life events. These set the tone and the backdrop of the episode and the setting overall. The pacing, as you may imagine, is absolutely spotless. In just 11 episodes it achieves what other isekai need 50 for, because it does not waste time with pointless filler. The pacing is simultaneously relaxed and fast-moving ; though there isn't unending action in every scene, and though there are trivial slice-of-life events, every scene is there for a point, and a great amount of arcs play through over the course of its few episodes.
Finally, about muh sexuality. It is a well-known fact that anglo protestantism is a scourge upon the earth, and the only thing Hitler and Stalin did wrong was gassing Jews, homosexuals, Slavs and gypsies instead of the British and the Americans who rejected the papacy. There are few people more sexually twisted, more morally confused, more divorced with the grace of the natural world than those having internalised the erotophobia plaguing native anglophones.
The characters of Mushoku Tensei do not share the degenerate prudery of the contemporary world ; for all the wails of « unrealism » in the isekai genre, this is perhaps the most historically accurate point of the series. Yes, people fuck a lot, and standards of decency are different from modernity. Those of noble birth in particular are sexually entitled, and they cheat, often fathering bastards. Moral judgement is passed ; the protagonist specifically calls his father out on this several times, anachronistic as it is. Nevertheless, he is also a man, and he respects the hustle of having multiple women chasing after you. If you stopped getting 100% of your socialisation from Twitter because Sleepy Joe told you to self-isolate until death, you would find the vast majority of men share this sentiment ; the rest are eunuchs, or, as the sexually amputated like to call themselves nowadays, transgendered.
As for child sexuality, the protagonist is incredibly precocious, so it does not seem weird that people around him treat him as far older than he really is. He is the recipient of the most egregious behaviour, another point the unpersons have missed. The other children are « shipped » by their parents in ways well-documented in historical records, and often continuing to this day in rural areas, far removed from the disease of coastal, metropolitan media.
That said, is the protagonist a paedophile ? Oh, yes, absolutely. Japan, after all, is the fabled paedophile ethnostate all nations ought to be. Why, paedophilia is merely another term for healthy male sexuality, for if you do not find the gloriously prepubescent waifus in Mushoku Tensei sexually attractive, can you even call yourself a man ? After decades of Blacked.com, « romcoms » and Tinder, it is the west that has the twisted stance, not the east. Which is best for the soul : getting gangbanged by randos from puberty onwards, collecting STDs and crotch spawn, then fishing for a bailout as an obese, post-wall roastie on Tinder from sugar Daddies you feel nothing for ; or pair-bonding with the love of your life until death does you part, having invested in each other's foundational life experiences for as long as you've known each other ?
And that, fellow retards, is the point of Mushoku Tensei, laid out bare even from the very start. Our protagonist was a hollow husk of a man, worn down by the decrepit meaninglessness of postmodernism, aspiring to nothing but fapping to the next faceless, soulless, copycat eroge waifu, living the leftoid dream of daddy government handouts erasing any life stresses, completely self-isolated and self-isolating, a perfect atomised individual yet in perennial, pervasive misery. One mere daydream holds him together : if he could do it all over again, he could've done everything better ; be a better son, a better student, a better friend, and, at least, not a virgin. A regret and a wish not uncommon in laymen, who this series speaks to ; the layman who lays your road, the layman who brews your Starbucks coffee, the layman who works your factory, the layman who codes your iPhone, the layman the leftoids despise.
Having nothing else to lose, he sacrifices himself so that others — so that better people may live. In being reborn, his daydream becomes reality, his wish becomes his obligation : to Seriously Try. The older he grows, the more of postmodernity he sheds, finding that there is meaning in human existence, that there is higher purpose and objective truth, that there is satisfaction greater than the waifu du jour, that he can be greater and better, no matter what Cuckerberg told him. Sometimes he falters, since no man is perfect, but he never gives up. And as he remakes himself into a true hero, so we shove the lies the leftoids have peddled onto our guillotines, their decapitated corpses feed for an idealism born anew, a new spirituality in art : our remodernism.
Final verdict : 10/10. Man is born twice : once when he starts breathing, and a second time, a bit later on, when he loves something more than himself.